Dissect Some Books!

Happy Monday, my lovely readers!

I know this post is in an off week, but I have an idea I want to run by you.

How would you like to see a mystery dissection session on this blog?

My thoughts are to have one book a month that I, your humble blogger, would read, then dissect why or why it doesn’t work. If you’ve read the book, you, my lovely readers, could chime in and agree or dissent. I’d be more than happy to take suggestions for upcoming reads from you, with these requirements: it must be a mystery, it can’t be so obscure I have difficulty finding it, and (ideally), I should be able to find it at my library or my local mystery bookstore, I Love A Mystery in Mission, Kansas. We can do older books–Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammett, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle–or newer–Lisa Lutz, Diane Mott Davidson, Janet Evanovich. It doesn’t matter. The ideal would be not to cover the same author twice in the same year. And, if this becomes popular, we may try to cover more than one book a month.

So, what do you think? You up for it? Who would you like to read first? And, what elements would you like to see covered? Come on, share with me. And, let’s get reading! (I’m currently reading a fabulous CBA mystery I’d like to offer for our first session: Murder, Mayhem, and a Fine Man by Claudia Mair Burney. Already have some things I both love and hate, so it should be interesting.)

Until next time,

Image from: http://funkeymunkey17.deviantart.com/art/Books-30368282

8 thoughts on “Dissect Some Books!

  1. Hmmm… I am pretty much up for any book. I am into reading YA and middle grade at the moment, but only because I am writing in that genre for the first time. I really love all books. Read whatever. I will be interested 🙂


  2. Well, thank you both! It sounds like a good idea to you, then, huh?

    I do think we'll look at 'Murder, Mayhem & a Fine Man' first. It's a good read, and has some good points to look at when looking at your own writing.


  3. Oh, and while I do say that it should be a mystery (since that's my specialty), I guess I won't rule out an occasional book outside the genre. I'm just not as in tune with other genres as I am with mysteries.


  4. Lorna, I have (or used to have) a few MHC–I may have given them away in an effort to trim my overflowing shelves! I've got a few Christie, too. I'll have to see what I've got, see if it had another title, and see about putting both these authors on my list. 🙂 Good suggestions!

    Oh, and if someone's an author and would be willing to put their book willingly under the microscope… I'd love to have your after-thoughts following my critique!


Please: share your thoughts!